Our extra virgin olive oil is elaborated in the city of Caçapava do Sul, Campanha Gaúcha region, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Following the highest quality standards, from the care on the field, choosing the right moment to harvest the fruit, to the olive oil extraction in a high tech machinary, imported from Italy.
Check out all the process steps below:
Analysis of fruit ripeness level
Gives balance between aroma, flavor and amount of polyphenols (antioxidants).
Our care in harvesting the fruit, cleanliness and the quick transportation between the field and the mill are the main resposible for the final quality of our product, only then it is possible to extract an extra virgin olive oil with low level of free acidity.
The free acidity (loss by fermentation) in oleic acid (monounsaturated fat, healthy for our body) happens when there is fruit fermentation in the moment before the extraction. By this reasion, as fast we take the fruit to the mill, lower will be the free acidity. Consequently the olive oil will have more stability and conservation of its polyphenols, because in the same way it was possible to preserve the oleic acid.

Receiving and washing the olives
In this step all the leaves and branches are removed, then the olives are taken to the washing, removing any impurity that could compromise the fruit cleanliness, only then the olives are send to the mill, where the crushing is done with stainless steel hammers.

Crushing, homogenization and horizontal centrifugation
After crushing the olives, the paste is homogenized at a temperature below 28° C. (cold extraction) and then taken to the horizontal centrifugation, to begin the process of separation of the liquid phase (oil and water) from the solid phase (olive pomace).
This is certainly the most crucial stage in the elaboration of olive oil, where the correct time of paste homogenization is what will guarantee the good yield with the right amount of polyphenols, having a sensorially balanced extra virgin olive oil.

Vertical centrifuge, filtration and bottling
The liquid phase resulting from the horizontal centrifugation is taken to the vertical centrifugation, whre the separator is responsible for perfectly separating liquid with distinct densities, where we get the oil on one side while the water goes to the other.
As a result of this step, our oil is filtered to remove excessive microparticles from olives, which could cause undesired oxidation in the oil and consequent loss of shelf life.

Final product, ready for consumption
In the less than 1 hour after olives arrives, our olive oil can already be bottled and taken to the consumer as quickly as possible, keeping it fresh and with all its health benefits well preserved.
This is certainly the biggest differential of our extra virgin olive oil, being made only by those who care to deliver the highest quality possible, from the olives in the field to the consumer's table.